Thursday, 26 December 2013

Happy Boxing Day

Christmas Day was fun. I had a great time with my family. I invited my brother and sister to my new village( hubby's village). It was great fun having them around. The most stressful but interesting and fulfilling part was having to cook with firewood all by myself, thanks to hubby and sis for making it a delightful experience.I must get my Mother inlaw a new gift. Hubby was proud of me. He couldn't believe that I could do the firewood .I made a delicious fried rice with chicken. I originally planned to make something different for other members of the family thinking they would prefer something traditional but when Mother inlaw saw what I was making, she opted for the fried rice. After launch she praised my cooking and requested for another plate. For me that was g-r-e-a-t... Now, back to our discussion for the day....Boxing Day

Boxing Day is the 26 th day of December, the day following christmas. There are several theories with regards to the origin of Boxing Day but the exact origin is unknown.
It is believed to come from the early Christian Era where special offerings tied to the feast of saint Stephens were collected in metal boxes place outside the church. Some refer to it as the custom of tradesmen to collect Christmas boxes as reward for good service throughout the year. There is also a believe that it could have originated from an English tradition that allowed servants of the wealthy to visit their families the day after Christmas and their Masters would give them bonuses, gifts and sometimes left over food to take home.

In some countries, Boxing Day is known as a shopping holiday while in some, it is regarded as a Federal holiday . Boxing Day has also become associated with sports in countries like United Kingdom,Australia,New Zealand,South Africa hosting matches and contest.
Some people just believe Boxing Day is an extension of the Christmas Day.What about you?
Take out time to wrap a gift for someone today.Happy Boxing Day pals.

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