Monday, 23 December 2013

Celebrating Xmas
Before I started this post,I thought of different themes.I contemplated using the heading " fun ways to celebrate Xmas but I settled with this,I hope it suits and you like it.
Of all the celebrations every year,christmas is my best. I love christmas because it comes with a joyful atmosphere,you can smell happiness,joy,peace,celebration all around you. The decorations and lightnings do not just beautify the environment but it heightens your mood for celebration.
How do you celebrate Christmas?
1. Thanksgiving
This is the very first is the best moment to be thankful to God that you are part of the season.Being thankful for what you have and what you have achieved will help you avoid costly mistakes this season.If you feel you don't have anything or any reasons to be thankful,learn to count your blessings and you will see there are many reasons to be thankful.
Also,learn to be thankful to your family,friends ,colleagues.Say thank you to those that have added value to your life throughout the year.
Being thankful brings good success your way.
2. Forgive
In this season,you must learn to be slow to offences and quick to forgive.learn to overlook insults and railings.When people annoy you this season,find a reason to always forgive them.My own reason is simple " if God can forgive me,I  have forgiven you"
When you learn to forgive in this season,you will have happier moments.
3. Giving
This is the best time to cultivate a habit of changes you and makes you a better person,it makes you richer.when you give, you receive an overflow of the measure you have given.Did you just ask why or how? I used to ask that can giving this  xxxxx( fill in the gap) make me a better person or even richer? I was intrigued by this quote by
Mother Theresa: 'It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.
It is only by giving that you can get what you want and most times,more than you already have.Give as you have purposed in your heart ,not grudgingly but be cheerful.
Merry Xmas!

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